Making Herbal Vinegar
  1. Wash and prepare the herbs. Remove stems and chop if necessary. (Garlic should be chopped.)
  2. Place herbs in a clean glass jar with a plastic lid and store in a cool, dark place for 4-6 weeks. ** See recipe notes
  3. After 4-6 weeks, strain the herbs from your vinegar and transfer your vinegar to a clean bottle. Don’t forget to label and date your herbal vinegar. Your herbal vinegar will keep for up to a year.
Recipe Notes

I specifically avoided giving exact measurements for this recipe.  Feel free to make as little or as much herbal vinegar as you would like.  I enjoy experimenting with different combinations of herbs in small batches.  Rather than make one large batch, it fun to have a wide variety of herbal vinegar in small batches.

Avoid using metal near vinegar.  It will react and cause your lid to rust.

Recipe by Jennifer Prentice @

Recipe can be found at