DIY Sleepy Time Pillow & Linen Spray

Today on the blog, I’m sharing a quick & easy Sleepy Time Pillow & Linen Spray.   This recipe contains 3 essential oils that will have you snoozing in no time!

 DIY Sleepy Time Pillow & Linen Spray | Homemade Sleep Spray | Essential Oil Recipes | My Healthy Homemade Life

I’ve always had a fondness for pillow sprays.

Back when I was small, my grandmother used to spray my pillow with her rose perfume whenever I spent the night at her house.  To this day, whenever I smell roses, I always think of my grandmother.   She was the one that started the long tradition of pillow sprays over the course of my life ( among many other things!)


My Healthy Homemade Life


The tradition of spraying my pillow each night continued when I was a teenager but I used my favorite perfume, Love’s Baby Soft (do they even make this anymore?)  and maybe even Avon’s Sweet Honesty, another favorite.

In my 20’s, Bath & Body Works became all the rage and they came out with their Tranquil Sleep linen spray.  Remember?  It had the purple rocks in the bottom of the bottle.  I used to love this stuff and it really did help me sleep!  Come to find out, it did contain some interesting ingredients like Clary Sage, Vanilla, Cedarwood, Hops and Valerian extract.  No wonder it was effective, many of the ingredients were sedative herbs and extracts!   I still have an empty but scented bottle from way back when!  I really want to duplicate the scent some day!


DIY Sleepy Time Pillow & Linen Spray | Sleep Spray | Essential Oil Recipes | My Healthy Homemade Life



Well, these days, I’m making pillow sprays a whole lot healthier using pure essential oils and with none of the chemicals we find in store bought perfumes and scents.

The recipe I’m sharing with you today contains three essential oils that are naturally calming and relaxing to the body and the mind.


The Ingredients:

Lavender Essential Oil

We’ve talked about lavender a lot and I include it in many of my DIY recipes.  I love lavender essential oil, especially at night for relaxing and restoring balance to the mind and the body.

There are several varieties of lavender which are used medicinally but the “common” lavender (Lavandula officinalis, also known as Lavandula angustifoli or Lavandul vera meaning “true lavender”) is probably the most loved and mostly widely-used variety.   It is my personal favorite primarily because the scent is more delicate than some of the other varieties.  For me, the scent of lavender angustifoli is the scent I most associate with lavender.

Lavender on it’s own makes a wonderful sleepy time spray but when you combine it with other essential oils such as Clary Sage and Roman chamomile, they work synergistically together to enhance the properties of the other oils.


Clary Sage Essential Oil

Clary Sage is another one of my favorite oils for relaxation.   It has a wonderful, nutty aroma and it can be helpful for stress and tension.   I love adding Clary Sage to a warm bath where it also acts as a muscle relaxant.   Within 10-15 minutes, you can feel completely relaxed and even drowsy at times.

Be aware that Clary Sage is an emmenagogue, which means it encourages menstruation, both by bringing on earlier bleeding and increasing flow.  For this reason, it should be avoided during pregnancy and during the second half of your cycle as it may increase bleeding during menstruation.


Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

Roman Chamomile is a soothing and calming essential oil, especially on a mental or emotional level.

German Chamomile would also work here but since it is more expensive, I save the German Chamomile for my skin care products and use Roman Chamomile in baths, for defusing and in my Sleepy Time Pillow & Linen Spray.



DIY Sleepy Time Pillow & Linen Spray | Homemade Sleep Spray | Essential Oil Recipes | My Healthy Homemade Life


DIY Sleepy Time Pillow & Linen Spray


You will need: 





  • Add 1/2 tsp rubbing alcohol or vodka to a clean, 1 oz bottle.  Add essential oils and swirl bottle gently to combine.

  • Fill the rest of the bottle (up to the neck) with distilled water and screw on the sprayer top.   Shake to combine.

  • Shake the bottle before each use.






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Print Recipe
DIY Sleepy Time Pillow & Linen Spray
DIY Sleepy Time Pillow & Linen Spray | Homemade Sleep Spray | Essential Oil Recipes | My Healthy Homemade Life
Course DIY, Home Remedies
Prep Time 5 minutes
oz bottle
Course DIY, Home Remedies
Prep Time 5 minutes
oz bottle
DIY Sleepy Time Pillow & Linen Spray | Homemade Sleep Spray | Essential Oil Recipes | My Healthy Homemade Life
  1. Add 1/2 tsp rubbing alcohol or vodka to a clean, 1 oz bottle. Add essential oils and swirl bottle gently to combine.
  2. Fill the rest of the bottle (up to the neck) with distilled water and screw on the sprayer top. Shake to combine.
  3. Shake the bottle before each use.
Recipe Notes

Recipe by Jennifer Prentice @   Recipe and complete instructions can be found at

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  • Reply Danielle at Do you think the clary sage would be good for a woman in menopause? I learned a lot from your article -- thank you!
  • Reply Shell at Hahaha I totally remember Loves Baby Soft!!!! I also really enjoy a nice linen spray.... I find it just helps so much for a good nights rest. I will give this one a try!Thanks so much for sharing!
    • Reply Jen at It was the best, wasn't it, Shell! I hope you enjoy it!

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