Calming Herbal Bath Salts (DIY Gift)

How to Make Calming Herbal Bath Salts | DIY Gift | Healthy Homemade Recipe | My Healthy Homemade Life

Happy December!   We’re wrapping up the final week of our Healthy Homemade Gifts series. I hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as I have!   If you missed any part of the series, you can find them all here.


4 Quick & Easy Healthy Homemade Gifts | DIY Gifts | Calming Herbal Bath Salts | Homemade Cocoa Lip Balm | Homemade Chocolate | Peppermint Foot Cream | My Healthy Homemade Life


Today we’re wrapping up our series with a Calming Herbal Bath Salts recipe which would be a perfect pampering gift (maybe even alongside some Peppermint Foot Cream and Coconut Cocoa Lip Balm!)


How to Make Calming Herbal Bath Salts | DIY Gift | Healthy Homemade Recipe | My Healthy Homemade Life

The herbal bath salts we’re making today contain two of the most gentle, relaxing and calming herbs: lavender and chamomile (just the gentle aroma of them will make you feel like sighing, “ahhhhh…”)

We’re also including some oatmeal which is anti-inflammatory and moisturizing and Epsom salt, which is wonderful for replenishing our magnesium levels and producing a sense of calm and relaxation, especially right before bed!

 Two optional ingredients are lavender essential oil and /or Roman chamomile essential oil.  These will add a bit more natural fragrance to your bath salts.

 How to Make Calming Herbal Bath Salts | DIY Gift | Healthy Homemade Recipe | My Healthy Homemade Life


One of my favorite parts of the Christmas season is making homemade gifts for my neighbors and loved ones!   It doesn’t need to be expensive or difficult!   I hope you give this one a try!  It’s so quick and easy and makes a wonderful gift!

Happy Holidays, friends!


Calming Herbal Bath Salts

Yields:  2, 1 cup containers.

What you’ll need: 

  • an electric coffee grinder or blender (a food processor will work but your herbs will not be as fine)

  • glass containers or jars for your finished bath salts

  • 2 tbsp dried chamomile flowers  (I purchase most of my herbs from Bulk Herb Store.)

  • 2 tbsp dried lavender flowers

  • 2 tbsp rolled oats

  • 2 cups Epsom salt

  • several drops of lavender essential oil or Roman Chamomile essential oil (optional)


  • To an electric coffee grinder or blender, add the chamomile, lavender, and rolled oats.   Grinder or blend to a fine powder.

  • In a medium size bowl, combine the ground herbs with the Epsom salt and essential oil (if using.)

  • Pour into prepared glass containers or jars and seal tightly.

  • To use, pour 1/4 to 1/2 cup of the bath salts under running hot water for a full bath or use a handful if using for a foot soak.


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Herbal Bath Salts (DIY Gift)
Gentle Detox for the New Year | Healthy Eating | Plant Based Diet | My Healthy Homemade Life
Course Home Remedies
Prep Time 5 minutes
1 cup containers
Course Home Remedies
Prep Time 5 minutes
1 cup containers
Gentle Detox for the New Year | Healthy Eating | Plant Based Diet | My Healthy Homemade Life
  1. To an electric coffee grinder or blender, add the chamomile, lavender, and rolled oats. Grinder or blend to a fine powder.
  2. In a medium size bowl, combine the ground herbs with the Epsom salt and essential oil (if using.)
  3. Pour into prepared glass containers or jars and seal tightly
  4. To use, pour 1/4 to 1/2 cup of the bath salts under running hot water for a full bath or use a handful if using for a foot soak.
Recipe Notes

Recipe by Jennifer Prentice @

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1 Comment

  • Reply Elise Cohen Ho at This is a great recipe. I love all of these types of recipes as I am sure you have figured out by now. :)

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